Beehive fences

Join the Ice Challenge and support this goal!
The cross-border Tenasserim Range in Thailand is home to one of the world’s largest populations of Asian elephants and a priority area for their conservation. Kuiburi National Park in Thailand is part of the Tenasserim Range and hosts around 300 elephants. The unfenced park directly borders pineapple plantations which are frequently raided by elephants, resulting in increasing conflicts between people and elephants.

Fortunately, residents of three villages in the area want to do things differently and are working on sustainable solutions for peaceful human-elephant coexistence. Bring the Elephant Home plans to help them to realize this. Beehive fences reduce human-elephant conflicts because they keep elephants away from farmers’ plantations. Through the sale of honey, the local community experiences additional from living with elephants. This will increase the appreciation for elephants and healthy ecosystems.

Please support this goal! Join the Bring the Elephant Home and Wim Hof Ice Challenge Fundraiser.

Thailand, December 18-20, 2019. 




 Join the Bring the Elephant Home and Wim Hof Ice Challenge Fundraiser!

Participants are asked to donate and/or raise to a minimum amount of $ 1,100 – 1.000 Euro – 34,000 THB.

Sign up by donating below or start crowdfunding, e-mail:

Do you want to participate with two people? Please donate accordingly and send us an email with the name of the other person: Or donate for each person seperately.

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2 Specific text about the Ice Challenge.


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