Bring the Elephant Home works on sustainable solutions to create harmony between people and elephants in Thailand and South Africa, and compare sustainable human-elephant conflict (HEC) mitigation measures between the continents. Be part of our passionate team to protect elephants in need!

Help us by adopting a herd of African elephants!

What are the issues?

Increasing human-elephant conflicts is one of the greatest elephant conservation challenges in Africa and Asia. Underlying causes of problematic elephant behaviour are for example habitat fragmentation, restriction of movement, disrupted social units, or human pressures. Escalating conflicts often result in the death sentense for the elephant. Is there no other way? Our aim is to look for alternatives, for peaceful ways to make sure people and elephants can live together in harmony.



What will we do?

It is vital to create a better understanding of the cause of the problematic behavior. We will create and promote non-violent solutions, with scientific backup. Along with other researchers, we will study the causes of the escalation of conflicts between human and elephants, and implement new methods to protect the elephants.

In 2018, we started a study right in the middle of a human-elephant conflict area in South Africa. Here, we will have the opportunity to get to know the elephants, investigate the problems and propose solutions. We would like to involve you in this as well!

How can you help?

As an adoptive parent, you will not only provide better protection for the elephants, but the research will contribute to solutions which will benefit many elephants in Africa and Asia. You will regularly receive updates on our findings and about the adventures of the elephants we study.

Our reports will have numerous materials, such as photographs, but also videos and information about developments of the project.

Will you join us?

Join our team from a distance, support our important work and be involved in creating solutions for this growing issue! We would love to share this African adventure with you.

As a foundation, we are completely dependent on donations. Without your contribution, our projects won’t succeed. That is why your help is so incredibly important!

How does it work?

For a donation of 60 euros a year or 5 euros a month you are an adoptive parent of a herd of wild elephants.
We hope you will be a part of this for a long time, but you can, of course, cancel at any moment.

Your adoption fee is very welcome on bank account IBAN:NL76INGB0001675200
SWIFT: INGBNL2A of Bring the Elephant Home in Vlaardingen, the Netherlands.

You will then receive your adoption package:

  • an adoption certificate with your name
  • a series of photographs of the herd of wild elephants
  • a USB-stick shaped like an elephant key chain
  • an invitation for a closed Facebook page where you can follow the lives of the elephants

Thank you for your support!

Antoinette van de Water

The African adoption program will focus on wild African elephants and updates will be regularly shared digitally with you. In the video below you can view the first images of the elephants of our new project.