Challenge goal: Installation of beehive fences to prevent elephants from raiding plantations (40 extra hives)
Target amount: € 7.000 euro Raised: [text-blocks id=”donation-destination-balance” destination=CHALLENGE_TH_BEEHIVES plain=”1″]

Our tree nursery in Kanchanaburi, which produces 10,000 trees a year, often gets damaged by the wild elephants of Salakpra Wildlife Sanctuary. At this moment, we are building a beehive fence to protect our tree nursery in the most sustainable way. The first 20 beehives were very kindly donated by Save the Elephant! Thank you so much!

Beehive fence Tree nursery Kanchanaburi
You can follow the event here. We aim to complete the fence in August.

We need extra donations to start the construction of another beehive fence in another human-elephant conflict site. Through this project, you can help to promote this non-violent method to deter elephants throughout Thailand. Every contribution is welcome! We are aiming to raise 7,000 euro so we can construct a new beehive fence with 40 hives!

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