Our tree nursery in Kanchanaburi annually produces around 10,000 seedlings to restore the forest for the wild elephants of Salakpra Wildlife Sanctuary. The elephants often visit the nursery and cause damage to the infrastructure, water pipes and seedlings. Some members of the local community, including the dedicated nursery manager, are now trained as beekeepers. Therefore, it is time to protect our tree nursery in the most sustainable way: by creating a beehive fence around the nursery.

The first support for the beehive fence comes from Walking Tree Travel. Their volunteers will join our team in Thailand from 25 to 27 June to start the construction. So far, we have installed four active hives. But we need 20 beehive boxes to circle the entire tree nursery.

Looking for donors! How can you help?
20 beehive boxes (50 euro per hive) to circle the entire tree nursery
Donated (June 23, 2019): 1.000 euro. Accomplished!
The 20 beehives, plus an extra donation to buy beekeeping equipment, bee suits and tools for the management of the fence, were donated by Save the Elephants! Thank you very much, Dr. Lucy King and colleagues at Save the Elephants!
To complete the fence and make it effective, we are looking for more donors. Donate and reduce human-elephant conflicts, generate income for the community through the sales of honey and protect thousands of young trees that we will plant for elephants! We are in need of the following materials:
3 camera traps for research
Three donors needed! Please sponsor a cameratrap for 250 euro. Please donate here.
500 trees to provide a natural food source for elephants and bees
Donated so far (June 24, 2019): 70 euro
43 more donors needed! Please sponsor ten trees for 10 euro. Please donate here.
You can also help us by setting up your personal/team donation page
How does it work? Send an e-mail to support@bteh.org, with the subject ‘beehive fence donation page’.
– Write in your e-mail the name or team name with which you wish to participate
– Indicate what you are going to raise donations for, 1 beehive, 1 camera trap, planting trees or donations in general for the beehive fence.
– If you wish to add a short personal motivation in your action page, please mention this in your e-mail.
We will e-mail you the link of your personal or team webpage and you can use this to ask e.g. family, friends or colleagues for donations.
We will start with the preparations of the fence during the Walking Tree event (June 25-27) but the complete fence with active beehives will be completed within three months. More than three years ago a beehive fence was made in Thailand for the first time. Successfully, 80% of elephants encountering a beehive fence turn around.
Donate here and sponsor the beehive fence!

Sponsor the beehive fence
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