Bike for Elephants is a charity bike ride (2nd and 3rd of February 2019) in the exotic eastern part of Thailand. Please support our tenth charity bike ride for the survival of the Asian elephant!

Donate online (if you prefer bank transfer see below)

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You can also transfer directly to our bank accounts:

Donations in Thailand:
Account number: 405-844629-6 (Siam Commercial Bank– Central Festival Chiang Mai branch). SWIFT-code: SICOTHBK of Bring the Elephant Home Foundation in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Donations in Europe:
Bank: Ing Bank
IBAN: NL76 INGB 0001675200
Holder: Bring the Elephant Home
Address: Van Blankenheimstraat 36 3132 VB Vlaardingen The Netherlands


We will receive your name and account number when you make a donation via our web forms. These are personal data that are necessary for the processing of your gift. Bring the Elephant Home Foundation is careful with your personal data. These will not be provided to third parties. We use them to inform you about our activities or to ask for your support. Read more about our privacy policy.