Unfortunately, applying for teamNL is no longer possible. Deadline was May 9, 2019.
More info: volunteer@bteh.org
Who are we and what do we do?
Bring the Elephant Home (BTEH) is an active and ambitious elephant research and conservation organisation working from three continents! Together with local communities and scientists, we develop practical solutions to threats and problems. We are based in the Netherlands, Thailand and South Africa.
Our mission is to better the chance of survival for elephants worldwide and to create a world where people and elephants can coexist in harmony. It is our strong belief that we only achieve this through a holistic stakeholder approach with a focus on practical, sustainable solutions. Read more about our story and different project on the other web pages, on our Facebook page or join our Facebook group.
Why this volunteer team?
BTEH is an active and innovative elephant research and conservation organisation that mainly works with volunteers. There is a lot of work to do for our various projects around the world, and we need help to realize our plans!
We therefore welcome 8 to 15 people to join our volunteer team, BTEH-teamNL.
The Dutch volunteer team will help realize these projects and become a main supporting team to help realize the projects in Thailand, South Africa, and the Netherlands. The team will consist of a number new volunteers and current BTEH members.
For whom?
We welcome people from all walks of life, for example: students, post-grads, young professionals, and specialists. It can be useful to have a background in biology or social studies, but that is definitely not a strict requirement. People with other skills in for example bookkeeping, graphic designing, fundraising, communication, education, research or community work are also needed! We especially welcome independent and committed people.
We are open-minded and eager to collaborate with anyone who is passionate and motivated to help us reach our goals. No matter what your background is, if you are motivated and think you have skills that are useful for our work, please get in contact!
How do we work?
BTEH is a Networking organisation with no formal office in the Netherlands. This group of volunteers will become an important base of BTEH in the Netherlands. We work rather independently, but discuss and come together regularly. We keep an eye on every project through an online platform. The goal for this volunteer team is to assist projects in Africa and Asia and provide a solid base for the organisation in the Netherlands. We will also increase awareness through education and organise fundraising activities in the Netherlands.
We are a passionate and enthusiastic group with a heart for people and elephant conservation. We respect each other and value each opinion. We work together to get things done. The benefit of having a group of volunteers working together regularly is that you can use each others knowledge, skills, input, and feedback. Thereby we reduce the amount of effort for each individual and in at the same time increase our network.
Volunteer team colleagues
A brief introduction of your future volunteer team colleagues:

Antoinette van de Water.
Antoinette is the founder of BTEH. She now lives in South Africa where she does elephant research and conservation. Even though you might not meet her in the Netherlands, we decided to introduce her because she is our key motivator and inspirator.

Berrie Jurg.
Berrie lives and works in Utrecht. After studying social-economic history he has worked for Amnesty International, Friends of the Earth and at the moment works for Oranje Fonds as a fundraiser. And in private time is chair of BTEH.

Vera Praet.
Vera is a biologist who got involved with BTEH via her master thesis, after which she spent three months in South Africa helping with elephant research and various projects. She now works as an ecologist and loves to stay involved with projects of BTEH.

Suzan Doornwaard.
Suzan is an interdisciplinary social scientist and research consultant. As a social scientist, she has worked on a variety of multidisciplinary, multi-method research projects, mostly focused on adolescent development / youth in changing cultural contexts.
In the Netherlands we collaborate with:
- Flock, Software Engineering community
- Utrecht University
- the Elephant Path, research & consulting agency
What’s in it for you?
Become part of an active and ambitious conservation and research organisation and make a difference! Your work is extremely valuable for us. All our projects eventually aim to facilitate the protection of wild elephants and harmonious coexistence of elephants and people.
In the meantime you gain experience in conservation and build a network: meet passionate, inspiring, and experienced people with a range of expertises.
If you intend to get involved in conservation for your job, joining our team might just be the extra item on your resume that will get you the job. We invite you to become part of our team on Linkedin, and will proudly present your name on our website if you wish.
How to apply?
Application is no longer possible (application deadline was 9 May 2019)
Questions and Answers
- What if I can’t attend the meeting on the 25th of May?
If you can’t attend the meeting on the 25th of May, it does not necessarily mean you can’t join the volunteer team. We will look through your application and get back to you by email.
- I can’t regularly attend meetings on Friday morning, can I apply?
Yes, you can. We are likely to have occasional meetings on a Saturday or Sunday too, and hope to see you there.
- I am not sure if I meet all the requirements, can I apply?
Yes, if you are motivated and passionate you will probably be able to help us. Please specify your doubts or limitations in your application.
- I am very motivated but can’t guarantee to dedicate for a few hours a week, can I apply?
That depends. If you can spend time on the project quite often, but not on a set time per week, it will probably be fine (see next Q&A about tasks). If, on the other hand, you already know you are unlikely to regularly spend time on projects for BTEH, this volunteer program might not be suitable for you. However, if you are motivated, we invite you to send us an email to apply for our ‘pool’ of additional volunteers. In this pool you will be one of the first to be contacted when there is extra help needed.
- How do you divide tasks?
You will volunteer for specific tasks, alone or with a group. We will divide tasks bases on your interests, skills, and amount of time that week. If you have more time, you might want to do more tasks, and if you have little time that week, you can choose a short task.
- What happens after I apply?
After you complete the application we will get back to you by email a.s.a.p.. In case (way) too many candidates applied, we will have to make a selection of the most suitable candidates.
We invite the most suitable, if not all, applicants for the meeting on 25 May.
- If I apply, does that mean I can’t withdraw?
Filling in the application does not mean you cannot withdraw from the project. We hope you are motivated to join after the meeting and will you enjoy working with us. However, if you decide at some point that you don’t want to continue, you are welcome to go your own way.
- What if I join, but my life and schedule can change after a few months?
We hope to create a stable, long-term team that is passionate to help us save elephants for a long time. Bu we of course understand that not everyone knows where they will be in a few months, so we can understand if you can not join the team forever.
- Do you have a different question?
Please get in contact via volunteer@bteh.org.