Bring The Elephant Home proudly welcomes Dr. Suzan Doornwaard as new board member! Suzan has been active for the foundation for several years, especially when it comes to scientific research, the social dimensions of human-elephant conflicts, publications and the development of our strategy. Welcome to the board of Bring The Elephant Home, Suzan!
Antoinette van de Water and Berrie Jurg

Dr. Suzan Doornwaard has a background in interdisciplinary social sciences and over ten years ofexperience designing and conducting multi-method research projects. Most of herresearch focuses on the interplay between individuals and the social andcultural contexts of which they are part. As an independent researchconsultant, Suzan supports and advises diverse national and internationalorganizations in research on societal issues. She is also affiliated withUtrecht University as a researcher, where she studies youth in changingcultural contexts. With her work, Suzan aims to contribute to aninterdisciplinary perspective on complex global challenges and a betterunderstanding of the social factors (behavior, attitudes, experiences) involvedin both the origins and solutions of these issues.
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